Make Women Use These Pick Up Lines On You
Make women use these pick up lines on you, by using our perfumes, of course!
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Question from user: What's the use of pheromone perfumes for men, if women don't get aroused by us?
Molecular structure of Androstadienone, pheromone that is widely documented to have a very specific effect on the brain activity of women.
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Pheromones are naturally excreted chemicals from human bodies since the primitive days when attractions are from a man's health, strength, and offsprings' quality, and all those came from the signals of his body.
Over time, our social interactions have evolved from using signs and scents to language, attire, dressing, etiquette, and even how we look. As much as the presence of pheromones are still around, the flirting process becomes more complex as we know who and what we want, and the same goes for ladies.
Women are constructed in very different ways from men, and this is something important that we need to know. A woman in her ovulating stage can attract any men she wants, if she's open-minded enough, because her body will be excreting copulins - a sexual pheromone signalling her need to mate to produce offsprings. Most men would jump at the first opportunity to copulate with her, no matter how she looks like, because hey, we're talking about men here.
Whilst for women, they need to be impressed, be assured, dominated (for women who feels sexy being told what to do), and many more needed to be done by men for them to start feeling something, then it'll start to progress into something sexual from there. It takes hardwork and self improvement for a man to know how to successfully bring a woman from the bar to bed. One very important thing all men needs to know is this: most if not all women don't get turn on by the sight of penis. Men do at the sight of breasts. That's very different already.
Pheromone perfumes bring back what most of us lack - pheromones that prove our strength, status, confidence, and dominance. With the right conditions in place, a male user of Alpha Male perfume brings to women his confidence they will be impressed with, his dominance that women will feel submissive to, and the strength and capability of this man who would be taking care of their offsprings if they were to have sex and give birth to children. This is the primitive part of humanity that has yet to be erased from the basic needs and wants. The sense of reliability every women needs.
But that's all pheromone perfumes can bring you to. The rest of the show - hooking up, chatting with them, flirting with them, and till the end, bringing them to bed, will be up to the man's performance. Think about how a man in suit who looks extremely handsome to ladies would fare if he was to brain vomit, dig his nose, spit nonchalantly in front of women, or slipping his hands into his pants to reposition his center tool in the eyes of the public.
He'll be screwing up his own show.
That's exactly the limitations for pheromone perfumes. They can show a man or woman the door, but the user has to walk through it himself/herself. Pheromone perfumes that are formulated for sexual purposes such as CoPassion and OverHeat do make users and people around them feel sexually attracted, or sometimes - depending on the sex drive of individual - aroused. But users also have to also understand this reality:
They can be horny, but that does not mean they'll need to have sex with YOU.
About Pheromone Perfumes
It's quite simple - pheromone perfumes are perfumes formulated with pheromones to increase the chances of attraction to the wearers.
No chants, no spells, no magic wands. Apply, smell, and you're ready.
Just kidding. You'll need some social skills as well - that's another layer which pheromone perfumes can't help.
About Pheromones
Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting outside the body of the secreting individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individual.
Use of Sweat-Scented Hankies In Courtship- Pheromones in Play
Pheromones have been in use long before they were discovered, and this sentence is not to prove that they exist, because they do. Rather, do you know that sub-conscious attraction through the use of pheromones had been in use since the 19th century?
In Europe during the 19th century, clean handkerchiefs would be worn by men under their arms - you're not reading it wrong, we're talking about armpits - during dancy soiree they'd be attending in order to find the woman they'd marry. The purpose of it is to capture their sweat in the small pieces of cotton one would normally use to wipe off perspiration.
And wiping off perspirations they did with the handkerchiefs, but not themselves.
When a man found himself interested in a woman, he would use that handkerchief that had been tucked under his arms soaking his sweat to wipe off the poor lady's sweat on her face.
Sounds weird, huh? Using a sweat-soaked handkerchief to wipe off a woman's sweat. We thought so too.
Nevertheless, it was how they showed their interest, and how it had been working effectively. It was said that girl would find the scent irresistible, and fall in love with him (madly).
In the same era in Austria, women from the the rural areas would attend dances to find the man they wanted to start a family with. Before attending the dance, they would slice up apples, tuck them in their armpits, and went for a night's fun with the apples under their arms.
After enough exposure to their natural, salty, excretions, they would then feed the men they like with the apples soaked with their sweat. Men who accepted their love would proceed to chew up the slices of apples before swallowing, presumably after sniffing the sweet scent of the women. Hey, women can't smell bad, right?
It was recorded that eating a slice of apple soaked with a woman's sweat was so alluring, a nobleman was very attracted to a woman of a lower status.
Olfactory business is here to stay, baby!
It has been reported many times in the past few decades how pheromones affect women's mood. Researchers say the odorless pheromones found in male perspiration can have a dramatic effect on both a woman's mind and body. A new study found exposure to male pheromones can boost a woman's mood and stimulate the release of a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle.
The test involved women between the ages of 25 to 45.
Each of the women received three applications of the underarm extract during the six-hour evaluation period, followed by three doses of exposure to ethanol (alcohol) over another six-hour period. The women reported feeling less tense and more relaxed during exposure to the male pheromones extract.
Researchers also found that exposure to the male pheromones also prompted a shift in blood levels of a reproductive hormone calledluteinizing hormone. Levels of this hormone typically surge before ovulation, but women also experience small surges during other times in the menstrual cycle.
SOURCE: Biology of Reproduction, June 2003. News release, University of Pennsylvania.
Read more about the report from webMD here.
Latest Feedback On OverHeat Pheromone Perfume and Alpha Male Pheromone Perfume

She was wearing a deep V top that showed a lot of her cleavage.
While speaking with me, her hands were on the center of her bra, tugging, and also cupping and squeezing her breasts! All the while standing very near me. Tell me that’s flirting!"
Quora Question (Answered): What do I tell a girl when I want her to be my girlfriend?
Question originally asked on Quora titled: What do I tell a girl when I want her to be my girlfriend?
Let me take your question "What do I tell a girl when I want her to be my girlfriend" in literal context. You are asking for ways to ask the girl to be your girlfriend when you want her to be. The key word is "what". Before I go into that, let me help you do a check on the status. Think of me with a mirror helping you look behind youself.
I would hope to know that you're already at the stage which both of you are ready. By that, I mean you've been on dates, or at least, some flirtations have been going on, and both giving and receiving has been optimistic.
One important thing I want you to know as a man is this: to be a great partner or lover, one has to know how to respect women. That's the utmost important thing, and the very minimum a man has to know and do.
An effective way to find out if she's into you will be touch. No, I'm not referring to being touchy-feely. Not that kind of touch where you'll stroke your palms down her back with your eyes staring at her with a creepy smile.
I mean to say touch her wrists. Tell her you like the watch (or bracelet) she's wearing. Hold, but not grab, her hands while you ask her questions about that timepiece. Hold on to her hands gently even after you have finished speaking. Check for her pull backs. If there's none, you have a chance.
Pay attention to her shoes. That's one of the areas men neglect. Show her you are attentive to details about her. Pick up her fork if she drops it in the restaurant, and ask for another from the wait staffs before she raises her hand.
Show dominance, decide for her in someways, but not in aggressive manners like dictating what she should do. Respect her. Show her that you're confident, and assure her that she'll be well taken care of if she's yours. Stand straight with your chest out. Speak strong, but not loud. Show her you're dependable.
The fact that you are asking how to ask a woman to be your girlfriend somewhat shows that you need a little boost in the confidence department. No worries about it though - everyone can learn to be in time.
But the golden question is: HOW DO YOU BRING THE TOPIC TO HER?
If you are certain that you've cleared what you need to do, if she's not pulling herself away from your touches, and she's laughing at your jokes no matter how lame you think they are, trust me, she's at least 65% into you. Then the question you should ask her, in total discretion (no, no. I'm not referring to hotels or anywhere sexual. That's the last thing you'll want her to feel. Parks would be good), would be - not conclusively a "question for all", but good to grab some ideas from - this:
"I like your company, and I love sharing everything with you. I'm comfortable with you, and I hope that it's the same on your side. I think, to be fair to me and not you, because it'll be in time to come, I think I would love to love you. I wonder if you'll want to give me this opportunity to be exclusively yours, and you, exclusively mine."
Prior that question above, you may want to consider bringing her to ride some roller-coaster, if she's a thrill seeker. BUT NEVER CONSIDER THIS IF SHE HAS A WEAK HEART!
Bringing her to ride a roller coaster will release a hormone called Phenyl ethyl-amine. The same hormone when one feels love. By riding a roller coaster, she'll release the said hormone that mimics love, and it'll increase your chances. The ambience when the question is asked, such as the darkness and romance often felt in parks, increases feeling of love. That'll help.
If you are not a user of pheromone perfumes, then you could use your natural scent. Wear clothes that are comfortable and permeable. Unless you have BO (you'll need a deodorant if you do), I would suggest you pop that question after a day out with her - your perspiration accumulated would increase the presence of your pheromones, and it's a subtle attraction.
The negative side is if you are more of a beta male and less of an alpha, she could sense it, and you're left with one "weapon" lesser.
Good luck!
13 Steps to Be the Sexy Guy You’ve Always Wanted to Be
There are lots of things that attract women, but the most impressionable trait that hooks women is a guy’s sexiness. Here’s how you can pull that off.
13 Steps to Be the Sexy Guy You’ve Always Wanted to Be <<-- Click here
Do pheromones really attract men?
Question originally asked on Quora titled: Do Pheromones Really Attract Men?
There are 2 camps to this question that has been asking by people around the world for the past decade (or two), and even though both sides have been trying to seek evidence, we know that evidence is as clear as the magnet's attraction force - nobody can see anything, but we know because we feel the force.
It's very much the same with pheromones - we can't see a thing, nor can be find any literal evidence proving any effects. Yet, the literal presence is there for us to find out. The molecular structures have been understood, and the presence of them in various discharge from our body.
The first question - as someone who always believe that there is a reason for every thing that is present - I would urge you to ask is this:
If pheromones are not suppose to work, why would mother nature give us the biological function to excrete them?
I have been dealing with pheromone perfumes long before I am selling them, and since it's very much one-sided, I shall not share what I have experienced. Well, anyone could have point their finger at me shouting "PLACEBO!"
But let me share some stories of what many partners of female pheromone users have shared with me. Basically boyfriend and husband of female pheromone perfume users, since we're on the subject of whether pheromone perfumes affect/attract men.
One I would always put in the first story to tell is this:
1) A female user of pheromone perfume bought a bottle from us, and was excitedly sharing with her husband on how it was supposed to work. The husband, being somewhat cynical yet interested to know more (we figured he was thinking of using it himself for some attraction purpose). That first evening the husband sniffed the perfume and couldn't find what was special. In the course of it, he applied some on his wrists before going to bed.
Later in the night, as told to us by the two of them, the husband was sub-consciously grabbing the hands of his wife, putting them to his nose and sniffing it. Sub-conscious. Not knowing what he was doing.
Then as the night progress into the morning, he had a wet dream, and he soiled his underwear. Note what I have been trying to tell you: it's sub-conscious. He didn't know what was happening as he was sleeping, but his biological mating instincts kicked in, and he had a orgasm while asleep.
In case if you are curious, yes, he's our customer now.
2) A test-user of our female pheromone perfume (we arranged for a man to test our female perfumes, because we wanted to know how the formulations for women would affect men) reported women on the streets were prettier than he would visually see them to be. That's because our perfume he was testing was formulated to block men's ability to judge a woman's look.
Without the hindrance of looks' judgement, women appear more attractive to men in mysterious ways no one would be able to comprehend. And yes, he was having a boner whole week (it was a week long test)
3) A 10 year old couple thought of using pheromone formulated perfumes for their inter-relationship seduction, because things were going so dull. And so they did - they each got perfumes for sexual seduction.
2 weeks later, the man reported that he found his wife more attractive, and he was always ready to do things that'll touch his wife, while the wife reported that her mood had been good whenever she's around her husband. Their frequency of sex increased, and their relationship surely did.
Effects of pheromones can be disputed, but the results cannot. Placebo can happen on individuals, but not the person out of the user.
Yes, pheromones DO attract men. But if you are talking about attracting someone out of your already-intimate circle, there are more things that you need to be aware of what you need to use and do in terms of attraction. Supposedly you are a woman talking about attracting a man, and not man and man.
You’ve gotten her number, and secured a date with her. You know it was never a problem for you to do just that. You’re an Alpha. You know what you want, and you take charge.
But what’s going to happen after? Are you going to meet again? Or are you even going to progress to somewhere more than a dinner and a movie in the same evening? Will a second date be possible?
Multiple first dates that lead to nowhere are tiring, and we know that. And we are not going to allow things to take their nature courses, because we are the ones who create them. It’s in our hands, and we do what we’ll have to in order to secure a second date.
So what do you have to do to put yourself in her list of “to-call” instead of the list “hell no”?
We cannot stress this enough, and no, in case you are wondering, it’s more than just pheromones that we are talking about.
No woman wants to be near a man who smells like Parmesan cheese. If you don’t have the habit of showering often, then do it at least before the date. Covering your body with perfumes instead of showering will only make you the sour milk that has been in the cabinet for the past decade, so don’t.
Put on your best clothes. Google is your friend if you are weak in the dressing department. Boost yourself with few sprays of ETCH Pheromone Perfume (coming soon. Stay with us!) or Alpha Male, and you’re good to go.
Women are circuit boards – it takes many connections in their senses to turn them on. No man should forget this: a brilliant conversationalist strikes the best impressions.
It helps to have some opinions of your own as you speak with her – it shows that you are someone with your unique point of view in life. Being witty adds points to the game, but we are not telling you to throw your feelings in her face about how you feel victimized by your boss at work. That makes you a pussy that women abhor.
Whiners don’t win, and Alphas don’t whine.
Ask her questions about her job, her hobbies, and keep her talking. You don’t have to worry about being one sided, because women are good at conversational continuity. If you find yourself engaging in a conversation with only you talking, at least you know it’s either a) she’s shy, or b) she’s not from the same wavelength as you. Ask her straight up if you think it’s the earlier.
If the later is the case, know that even securing a second date isn’t going to be fun.
This shouldn’t be on the list, because you should already be nice with or without a date to impress. If you are not, time to be.
She’s watching your moves, checking out who you really are underneath that smart attire and weirdly attractive scent. If you are nice to people around you, including wait staffs, she’ll know how sweet a person you are. That’s impressive.
High risk, yet yields great results if you play your cards right.
We’re not suggesting that you should get touchy-feely – you’re asking for a slap in your face if you do (and if your date is not comfortable with that).
Touchy, yes. Feely, let’s leave that out. And by touchy, we’re not saying you should rub her arms with your palms to appreciate the smoothness of her skin.
Occasional touch – non-sexual, accidental ones – are sensual. During movies, walking down the streets, or even through dinner, get close to her until the point where your arms are brushing, are exciting. Discreet grazes can build unthinkable tension in her, and that’s what you want her to feel – anxious and excited without knowing how to react. If she doesn’t squirm, you’ll know that your scorecard is looking good.
Remember not to overdo it though. Too much and you’ll be the creepy pervert she’ll not answer calls from.